Painting in the Rain: A True Story of Trickery and Triumph

from $22.00
  • 350 pages

  • 6 x 9

  • Softcover/Hardcover

  • ISBN 978-1949248-708 (Softcover)

  • ISBN 978-1949248-685 (Hardcover)

  • Copyright 2023

By Victoria Ellen with Janice Hisle

In this stunningly candid memoir, Victoria Ellen tells how her boundless love for her children inspired her to break free from a toxic relationship, crusade for justice, and ignite her inner strength.

The story takes a bizarre turn when Victoria discovers that her Ohio-born ex-husband had convincingly claimed that he was a prophet, an international business tycoon, and an African prince. He persuaded people to part with hundreds of thousands of dollars and, in cultlike fashion, to follow him cross-country as the leader of their church-until his house of cards collapsed.

While digging into her ex’s shenanigans, Victoria makes powerful discoveries about the power of persistence, how adversity reveals fortitude and proof that the Divine is at work.

As you follow Victoria on her journey, you’ll learn more about what you can accomplish with fierce courage, perseverance, and standing for the truth.

Hang on for a wild, colorful ride. Once it’s over, you’ll understand the hidden meaning of “painting in the rain.” And you just might rethink the way you live your own life.


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  • 350 pages

  • 6 x 9

  • Softcover/Hardcover

  • ISBN 978-1949248-708 (Softcover)

  • ISBN 978-1949248-685 (Hardcover)

  • Copyright 2023

By Victoria Ellen with Janice Hisle

In this stunningly candid memoir, Victoria Ellen tells how her boundless love for her children inspired her to break free from a toxic relationship, crusade for justice, and ignite her inner strength.

The story takes a bizarre turn when Victoria discovers that her Ohio-born ex-husband had convincingly claimed that he was a prophet, an international business tycoon, and an African prince. He persuaded people to part with hundreds of thousands of dollars and, in cultlike fashion, to follow him cross-country as the leader of their church-until his house of cards collapsed.

While digging into her ex’s shenanigans, Victoria makes powerful discoveries about the power of persistence, how adversity reveals fortitude and proof that the Divine is at work.

As you follow Victoria on her journey, you’ll learn more about what you can accomplish with fierce courage, perseverance, and standing for the truth.

Hang on for a wild, colorful ride. Once it’s over, you’ll understand the hidden meaning of “painting in the rain.” And you just might rethink the way you live your own life.


  • 350 pages

  • 6 x 9

  • Softcover/Hardcover

  • ISBN 978-1949248-708 (Softcover)

  • ISBN 978-1949248-685 (Hardcover)

  • Copyright 2023

By Victoria Ellen with Janice Hisle

In this stunningly candid memoir, Victoria Ellen tells how her boundless love for her children inspired her to break free from a toxic relationship, crusade for justice, and ignite her inner strength.

The story takes a bizarre turn when Victoria discovers that her Ohio-born ex-husband had convincingly claimed that he was a prophet, an international business tycoon, and an African prince. He persuaded people to part with hundreds of thousands of dollars and, in cultlike fashion, to follow him cross-country as the leader of their church-until his house of cards collapsed.

While digging into her ex’s shenanigans, Victoria makes powerful discoveries about the power of persistence, how adversity reveals fortitude and proof that the Divine is at work.

As you follow Victoria on her journey, you’ll learn more about what you can accomplish with fierce courage, perseverance, and standing for the truth.

Hang on for a wild, colorful ride. Once it’s over, you’ll understand the hidden meaning of “painting in the rain.” And you just might rethink the way you live your own life.