Journeymen: 24 Bittersweet Tales of Short Major League Sports Careers

  • 256 Pages
  • 6 x 9
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-933197-36-4
  • Copyright 2007

By Kurt Dusterberg

A successful major league sports career can provide an athlete with enough money and memories to last a lifetime. But what about all the players who come and go in the blink of an eye? The backup quarterbacks. Baseball's September call-ups. Why were they good enough to get there, but not lucky enough to stay?
Journeymen: 24 Bittersweet Tales of Short Major League Sports Careers introduces us to 24 athletes who enjoyed only the proverbial "cup of coffee" in major league baseball, football, hockey or basketball. Instead of fame and riches, they walked away with a handful of stories and plenty of lessons—about professional sports, personal growth and how to move on with life. The stories are a blend of excitement and frustration, humor and heartache. All 24 athletes offer deeply personal accounts of their careers--and how they found inspiration for their lives after sports.

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  • 256 Pages
  • 6 x 9
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-933197-36-4
  • Copyright 2007

By Kurt Dusterberg

A successful major league sports career can provide an athlete with enough money and memories to last a lifetime. But what about all the players who come and go in the blink of an eye? The backup quarterbacks. Baseball's September call-ups. Why were they good enough to get there, but not lucky enough to stay?
Journeymen: 24 Bittersweet Tales of Short Major League Sports Careers introduces us to 24 athletes who enjoyed only the proverbial "cup of coffee" in major league baseball, football, hockey or basketball. Instead of fame and riches, they walked away with a handful of stories and plenty of lessons—about professional sports, personal growth and how to move on with life. The stories are a blend of excitement and frustration, humor and heartache. All 24 athletes offer deeply personal accounts of their careers--and how they found inspiration for their lives after sports.

  • 256 Pages
  • 6 x 9
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-933197-36-4
  • Copyright 2007

By Kurt Dusterberg

A successful major league sports career can provide an athlete with enough money and memories to last a lifetime. But what about all the players who come and go in the blink of an eye? The backup quarterbacks. Baseball's September call-ups. Why were they good enough to get there, but not lucky enough to stay?
Journeymen: 24 Bittersweet Tales of Short Major League Sports Careers introduces us to 24 athletes who enjoyed only the proverbial "cup of coffee" in major league baseball, football, hockey or basketball. Instead of fame and riches, they walked away with a handful of stories and plenty of lessons—about professional sports, personal growth and how to move on with life. The stories are a blend of excitement and frustration, humor and heartache. All 24 athletes offer deeply personal accounts of their careers--and how they found inspiration for their lives after sports.